Energetic Articulation

The entire phenomenon of Universe is energy and therefore cosmometry is entirely about energetic articulation. Every dynamic manifestation — be it an atom, a sound, a sunflower, a hurricane, a planet, a galaxy — is an energy event, an energy process. Energy has a variety of expressions such as the "physical" electro-magnetic radiation, gravitation, spin, atomic forces, pressure, heat, etc., and the "metaphysical" life force, emotional and sexual passion, mind, aura, etc.

What is consistent is that energy flows everywhere, that there is a current of energy permeating everything, and this current is at times articulated as "fluid" (hydrodynamic) and other times "structural" (tensional integrity or tensegrity). Underlying the myriad ways in which energy manifests is an "idealized" energetic patterning which is foundational to cosmometry, and yet "out there" in the world, in nature, in the cosmos, the forms of energy get "messy" — distorted, chaotic, random, changing. It's not always obvious that there is an underlying pattern integrity given the natural dynamics at play. Yet, it's all energy and it's all following the same fundamental patterning when it articulates into a given form. The more coherent and organized the energy pattern is, the more obvious the underlying patterning upon which it is based will be.

The three simplest patterns in which energy articulates are as...

radial vectors,  
rings or waves,  
and spirals. 


When all three are combined we get the basic fundamental components unified in an integrated two-dimensional pattern:


(click the image below to view this pattern at a larger size on a black background)


In the Three Primary Components article we'll see how these simple patterns translate to the fundamental energetic articulation of the forms of the vector equilibrium, torus and phi double spiral (note that the above illustrations are themselves based on a phi-ratio pattern).


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